9:30 - 10am :- Indoor filming. Including miming more lyrical shots for the performance aspects, drinking to reinforce the narrative as she becomes depressed and sad expressions.
10 - 11am :- Snuff Mill Field, Cottingham. We would go back to the field from the original place of filming. Where we would continue to film more performance shots to have better lighting than before.
11 - 12pm :- Cottingham train station and alley en route there. We would film solely narrative. The part where Sofie and Blue first meet. Also where Sofie bumps into Blue and he looks back at her walking and she is really confident and happy without him.
12 - 12:30pm :- Lunch!
12:30 - 1:30pm :- Re-shoot of the break up scene down the alleyways in Cottingham.
1:30 - 2:30pm :- Break and charge camera.
2:30 - 3pm - Filming on the foreshore.